This Memorial honors all who wore the uniform of the United States from the Revolutionary War onward. Beneath the base of the statue lie rocks from the hallowed battle grounds of Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, Corregidor, Guadalcanal and Tarawa.
The soldier is holding a child wrapped in the Revolutionary flag – the flag that represents the hopes and dreams that the men and women of the United States have for so long fought. The child whose name is Liberty is reaching for the soldier knowing that she needs his protection to survive. The soldier’s footing is on solid rock, one foot forward, representing our nation’s step into the future.
The soldier has no name because it represents all veterans, regardless of gender, race, or creed. His bandaged right arm reflects part of the price that liberty demands. The soldier has a firm grasp on the baby because Liberty rests within the arms of men and women who have so valiantly offered their lives to preserve our freedom and our nation.



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